What is a Refugee Family Reunion application?
Refugee Family Reunion allows your partner and/or children that lived with you in your country of origin to join you in the UK. If their application is successful, your family members will have the same permission to live in the UK as you. There are no financial or English language requirements in an application for Refugee family Reunion.
Application Requirements
All documents need to include a date, and a signature where necessary. Documents that need a signature are: letters, tenancy agreements, forms, certificates, or any evidence you get from someone else (your employer)
Gather as much evidence and information as you can.
It is important you send your documents in a clear and organised method.
What do I need?
These documents are essential for the refugee family reunion application.
- Biometric Residence Permit
- Travel document
- Letter confirming refugee status or appeal determination
- VIE Consent form
- Screening interview (first short asylum interview) notes
- Substantive (main asylum interview) notes
- Witness statements from asylum claims
Documents needed from all family members:
- Passport/travel document
- EU Uniform format form (if no passport)
- Any other form of ID
If you are applying for your spouse or partner
- Marriage/civil partnership certificate
- Divorce certificate (if in previous relationship)
- Evidence that you lived together e.g. Joint postal address
- Both names being on bills
- Photos of you together – including at wedding
- Witness statements from people at wedding
- Evidence of continued contact in UK
- Communication evidence: emails, texts, phone records.
- Witness statement confirming relationship and continued contact
If you are applying for your child/children
- Birth certificate
- Evidence you had parental responsibility – Doctors/school
- Evidence that you lived together
- Witness statement from child (if old enough)
- Records of contact since being in UK
- Photos of you with your children.
Once you have gathered all of the evidence needs for the application, you will need to record and send it to your caseworker. This page shows you how to use a photocopier & scanner, how to printscreen pages from your computer and phone, and how to electroncially send documents to your caseworker.