Leave to Remain: Parent

What is a Leave To Remain ‘Parent’ application?

If your child is under 18 and is British, settled in the UK, an EEA national or has lived in the Uk for 7 years, you may be able to make an application as a parent. You must have sole parental responsibility for your child or direct access (in person) to your child. There are usually also requirements to show a good level of English and to be able to house you, your child and other family adequately, and provide for them without needing recourse to public funds.

Application Requirements

All documents need to include a date, and a signature where necessary. Documents that need a signature are: letters, tenancy agreements, forms, certificates, or any evidence you get from someone else (your employer)

Gather as much evidence and information as you can.

It is important you send your documents in a clear and organised method.

What do I need?

These documents are essential for the Leave to Remain application.

  • VIE consent form signed on all pages, select the tick boxes to show who we can contact.


Home office verification checks form 

    • Part 1 signed by applicant if only including own bank statements

    • Part 2 signed by partner if including joint bank statements

    • Part 3 signed by third party if including bank statements from someone else


One of the following:

  • Valid passport

  • Valid national ID card (not BRP)

  • Expired passport

  • Expired national ID card

If you do not have any of the above you must provide an explanation as to why an ID document cannot be provided.

  • Biometric residence permit (if issued) Also for any other dependence 


Financial Evidence

  • bank statements, building society savings books, payslips or other formal documents showing income for the last 6 months.​

  • 6 months of bank statements All accounts you hold, including savings account


Evidence of public funds

  • Most recently received letters confirming what welfare benefits you receive, e.g child tax credits, child benefits or DWP​

Additional Documents

If you have children under the age of 18 in the UK (or children who are over 18 and who have already been granted leave in this category as your dependent), or this application if for a child you must provide the documents listed below for each child.

  • ORIGINAL full birth certificate(s) which show the parents’ names.

  • Passports/travel documents to confirm your child’s immigration, settlement or citizenship status.

  •  Biometric residence permit if your child has been issued with one since entering the UK.

  • Evidence of where your child/children normally lives and that you and/or any partner play an active role in their upbringing. This evidence should be dated within the last 3 months and can include: 

-Official correspondence addressed to the child/children, doctor’s/hospital letters on official headed paper stating the child’s/children’s registered address

– School/nursery letter(s) on headed paper stating the child’s/children’s registered address.

  • If you have access rights to your child a court document issued by the courts showing your access rights; and/or evidence from your former partner that you have access rights.

  • Evidence of your and/or any partner’s parental responsibility for the child/children.

  • Evidence of where you and/or any partner lives, as the parent of the child/children.

  • Evidence of anything else you would like us to consider regarding your child’s life, both in the UK and outside the UK.

Once you have gathered all of the evidence needs for the application, you will need to record and send it to your caseworker. This page shows you how to use a photocopier & scanner, how to printscreen pages from your computer and phone, and how to electroncially send documents to your caseworker.