6 steps towards migrants justice

The rights of people who move have been under attack for too long. Our media and our politicians want to make us forget one simple truth: that people move. We always have and always will. We should be welcomed and supported when we do.

We all need rights. We all need safety. We all need dignity. We all need justice. We all need privacy. We all need community.

These are the six steps towards achieving justice for people who move, and a fairer society for us all. These basic principles have been jointly drafted by 45 organisations that work with people who move on a daily basis, and with allied organisations. We see how deeply the hostile policies and statements targeting migrants impact people and their communities. We’re proud to stand behind these six steps towards migrant justice, and a fairer society for all of us.  

  1.   Rights – We should all be able to thrive, no matter where we’re from or the colour of our skin
  2.   Safety – We must welcome people who seek sanctuary in the UK
  3.   Dignity – We must all be able to live with dignity and feel safe in our homes and workplaces
  4.   Justice – We should all be able to defend our rights and hold the government accountable
  5.   Privacy – We should all be able to pursue health, justice and support knowing that our personal data will be kept safe, and our privacy respected
  6.   Community – We all have a right to participate in our communities, and find care and belonging